NDTV Sites
I Survived Cancer!

I Survived Cancer!

Written by Gauri Singh on Feb 5, 2015 | Blogs on Cancer Today I am going to tell you a story. A story about a young and cheerful girl, a story about myself! Life could not have been more beautiful. Well, it could have been but then who is not a little greedy. I had returned [...]

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Cancer Does Change You

Cancer Does Change You

Written by Nayonika Chatterjee on Feb 5, 2015 | Blogs on Cancer A few years back I didn’t even know what exactly cancer was! I knew it was a disease but what happened to the person suffering from this disease was unknown to me. The only exposure to cancer was, what I got from my [...]

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Positive Thinking Can Cure Cancer

Positive Thinking Can Cure Cancer

Written by Rakhi Sharma on Feb 5, 2015 | Blogs on Cancer In our life so many incidents occur, but some incident changes our life totally! Today I am going to share an incident which is so close to my heart that it never fades away! What will you do as a mother if your [...]

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In Memory of 14-Year-Old Chandan. So Many of You Helped Him

In Memory of 14-Year-Old Chandan. So Many of You Helped Him

Written by Rahul Verma on Feb 5, 2015 | Blogs on Cancer Even by Delhi's miserable January standards, it was a bitterly cold night when we met Chandan in 2013. Volunteers with the Uday Foundation were distributing blankets to the homeless sleeping outside AIIMS. We saw Chandan, who was then 12 years old, on the [...]

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A Hole In the Heart of My Family

A Hole In the Heart of My Family

(Suparna Singh is Director of Strategy, NDTV and Managing Editor of ndtv.com) For over 20 years, I came home everyday to the same man at the front door. About a month ago, he left, carrying with him nine small bags and a few bundles of clothes tied together, their cheerful prints and colours at odds [...]

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