NDTV Sites


Organ Donation Day #MoreToGive Walkathon 2017

NDTV and Fortis Healthcare has taken up the cause of creating awareness around the loss of lives that happen for the want of organs. ‘NDTV Fortis More to Give Walkathon – A step towards organ donation’ is one such initiative that seeks to mobilise the nation in this direction. The walkathon aims to spread the awareness about the cause of Organ Donation by taking it to the streets of India where the common man can show their support for the cause and spread awareness about the same.

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Why Health Insurance Is A Grey Area For Organ Donors

Why Health Insurance Is A Grey Area For Organ Donors

Most health insurance policies do offer cover for organ transplant surgeries. Ideally, for live donors, this should mean that the costs associated with the pre-operative testing and hospitalisation should be borne by the recipient or their insurance company, as all these are integral to the transplantation procedure. However, the extent of ‘organ donor coverage’ offered by different companies can vary.

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A Dismal Setting For Organ Donations In India

A Dismal Setting For Organ Donations In India

For a country with a population of more than a billion people, India has only 301 hospitals across the country that can perform organ transplants. The focus is currently on developing a comprehensive and robust national program where information and organs are shared in a fair, transparent and equitable manner.

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43 Organ Transplants Performed Across India In A Single Day

43 Organ Transplants Performed Across India In A Single Day

One of the men waiting here is Prashant Bariya, whose wife, Naveena, 32, is finally undergoing a desperately required kidney transplant after 2 years of suffering and 10 months of dialysis. The donor is her older sister, who luckily happened to be an exact match and is now simultaneously being operated upon in an operating theatre adjacent to hers.

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