“The wealthiest are those who gift a life. With organ donation you actually save a life, give someone a re-birth, a second life”, says Naresh Vaidya, an oil and energy professional who underwent a liver transplant on July 2, 2016 and got a second lease of life because of someone’s noble decision.
It all started in January 2016 when Naresh fell unconscious and was rushed to a hospital in Ahmedabad. He was diagnosed with liver cirrhosis and in just two weeks, his condition progressively deteriorated. The diagnosis earlier in Ahmedabad was incorrect as was the treatment that followed. This led to major decline in Naresh’s health and it is then when his mother and friends forcibly got him discharged and shifted to a hospital in Mumbai. Also, at that time, Naresh was also suffering from Jaundice, but that was not identified until his last day in Ahemdabad.
My two weeks in Ahmedabad were terrible. My situation worsened with each passing day. I was shifted to Global Hospital in Mumbai where I was diagnosed with liver disease and doctors said that the only option I have is a liver transplant, says Naresh.
For liver transplant to take place, Naresh had two options, either to find a living donor within his family or wait for a cadaver donor. Finding a perfect match is not a cakewalk. For cadaver donor, Naresh had to be registered in all the Global hospitals, while for living donor, the donor needed to be fit to donate. Naresh’s younger brother volunteered to donate his liver.
My younger brother suggested donating his liver to me, but his liver was fatty. Liver needs to be fit and not fatty. My brother tried reducing his weight and he even succeeded in reducing 7-8kgs of weight, but fat didn’t reduce enough. Therefore his liver was not fit enough to be donated, says Naresh.
Naresh had registered in the waiting list of all the Global Hospitals, but he didn’t get any call for a long time. Twice or thrice he got a match, but unfortunately he could not reach the destination on time.

Naresh Vaidya before liver transplant
Naresh’s health was declining regularly. He lost a lot of weight and had turned weak. Doctors had declared that there was 15-20% chance of his surviving, but still he kept faith in god and hoped for the best.
Talking about the waiting period, Naresh says,
People categorised me as unfit. It sounds pathetic, but it is true. People tend to show sympathy, but I didn’t need sympathy.
After all the waiting Naresh’s prayers were answered, and he finally received a call and had a successful liver transplant on July 2, 2016. but before the operation, Naresh had to get fit enough for his transplant. It took him a couple of months to gain the strength needed for the body to be ready for an organ transplant.
As per the rules, donor’s identity was not revealed to Naresh, but he is thankful to the deceased person and his family for giving a new lease of life to Naresh whose chances of surviving were minimal.
Life After Transplant
Life after transplant is a bit difficult as one of your organs has been replaced. Just like any other organ recipient Naresh also faced problems after the transplant, but patience and faith kept him going.
For the first three months I had to be extra extra conscious. I used to stay indoors. The only time I used to get out of my house is when I used to go to the hospital. But now I lead a normal life. I eat normal food, drink plenty of water and follow my doctor’s advice. I go to office just like any other person and work for 10 hours daily, says Naresh.
Looking back at the tough time, Naresh feels that the biggest barrier in terms of organ donation is religion. There is a mindset of people which needs to be changed. People know what organ donation is, but it is their belief and mindset which restricts them from pledging their organs.
Sharing his views on the lack of organ donation, Naresh says, registering for organ donation is the kindest deed ever. People should proactively start pledging and fight the mindset against organ doantion.
I have got the best of the friends in the Universe. They along with my family and colleagues motivated me and stood by my side. They acted as the saviors and decision makers to help me gain another life. Super efforts by my mother and friends helped me throughout. My daughters were my motivation and here I am, leading a healthy and a normal life. I feel super happy to be alive, signs off Naresh.
Also Read: A Brother Turned Saviour For His Sister And Gave Her A Second Lease Of Life