Easy To Follow Home Remedies For High Blood Pressure Patients

- Over 220 million people in India suffer from high blood pressure
- Exercise is an effective way to keep high blood pressure in control
- Controlled sodium intake is a must for high blood pressure patients
New Delhi: Among many the ailments that are classified as silent killers, high blood pressure is one of them. A 2015 estimate by the Ministry of Health puts the number of Indians suffering from high blood pressure at 200 million, and it accounts for 8 per cent of total deaths in India. Apart from medication, home remedies can also ensure that high blood pressure stays under control.
“Medications to treat high blood pressure are necessary, but certain home remedies must also be considered. These have no side effects and on the contrary, help people to lead a healthy life despite being diagnosed with high blood pressure. The medical fraternity recommends these home remedies as they are easy to pursue,” said Dr Sanchayan Roy, General Physician, Delhi.
Daily Exercising
Exercise can do wonders for any ailment and people suffering from high blood pressure can benefit big time from exercising. Doctors recommend daily exercising of 30 to 60 minutes to lower blood pressure, keep body shape intact and decrease the risk of diabetes. Patients between the age group of 40 and 55 can opt for slightly high intensity workouts, while those in the age groups of above 55 can stick to light jogging, yoga and cardio exercises that do not put any additional pressure on their body.
Light exercises ensure that the body’s mobility is maintained well and that a high blood pressure patient does not gain weight or become diabetic, said Dr Roy.
Staying Away From Salt
Controlled sodium intake is important for high blood pressure patients, but they often forget to understand its importance. As per the American Health Association, sodium intake of no more than 2,300 milligrams a day and no less than 1,500 milligrams a day is recommended for a high blood pressure patient, translating to little over half a teaspoon of salt. Try adding herbs and spices to your food to ensure it does not taste bland and keep your salt intake to bare minimum. Less salt is beneficial for high pressure patients and allows them to lead a healthier and longer life.
Saying No To Nicotine
Cigarette is globally considered as a high risk health hazard, and is an absolute no for high pressure patients. Cigarette smoking increases blood pressure momentarily for several minutes, and for people with existing high blood pressure issues, smoking increasing the chances of developing cardiac complications, heart attack and stroke. Even passive smoking is barred for high blood pressure patients and this must be adhered to. Quitting smoking has also resulted in decrease in blood pressure levels for many patients and is considered one of the foremost rules to stick to for patients of high blood pressure.
Following A Healthy Diet
A diet rich in whole grains, fruits, vegetables and low-fat dairy products is a perfect one for patients of high blood pressure. Known as the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) diet, high blood pressure patients are recommended to keep a food diary where patients can note what they have eaten on a daily basis and in what quantity. Ensuring a diet heavy on potassium by consuming adequate amount of food such as squash, sweet potato, white beans, yogurt and banana, and sticking to the diet regimen can ease the life of high blood pressure patients.
Keeping Stress Out Of Your Life
Stress is often the principal cause for high blood pressure and as years go by, makes it even worse. Fast paced professional lives with increasing demands make it difficult for us to lead a life without stress. Like nicotine, stress also raises blood pressure levels temporarily, making it riskier for patients with high blood pressure. Doctors recommend finding the source of stress when it comes to high blood pressure patients, so that it can be addressed properly. Yoga, meditation and deep breathing are some of the recommended steps for high blood pressure patients to deal with stress.
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