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Join NDTV’s Stop Abuse of the Elderly Campaign

One area in which India is said to be ahead of other countries – especially ahead of developed western nations – is the way we respect and look after our parents and the elderly. It’s something we in India are proud of. And rightfully so. There is one worry though – many people now say that we in India used to respect and look after our elders – apparently that may be changing now.

With the fast–paced and self-absorbed lifestyle and careers of the young Indian – this Indian characteristic of caring and respect for the elderly is said to be fading. Is this true? Does India care and respect its elders less than before? Are we becoming like the west with their nuclear families and their elderly confined to old-people’s homes. What do you think? Tweet your views using #StopAbuseoftheElderly.

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In case you have witnessed a senior citizen being harassed or experience abuse as an elderly, share your story below.

Read More About our Campaigns Here

State of Elderly in India

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  1. The seeds are sown in the past. We often find parents randomly hitting their kids, to teach them a lesson, who is not even might be of the age of learn their names,or do not have enough sense of right and wrong,, just because the parents dont have the patience and maturity of handling kids, the kids suffer. Parents very seldom take the initiative of being patient enough to make the kids understand the right and wrongs. “if are not beaten for something, then its right”.

    30 years later parents become old, ailing, suffering from mental and physical inabilities, expect grown up children of theirs to be considerate and mature enough to understand their problems and be nice to them.

    I know it sounds bad..but ,,,,,,

    “The kids should be taken care and respected , so that when they grow up they give it back”

  2. I salute you NDTV, for this. In this age where the media is just trying to grab attention or entertain people with no real substance in the news, this attempt is highly appreciable.
    I have seen something so positive and worthy after a very long time. This will motivate young people like me to be more vocal about and proactive against injustice we see in the society. You restore my faith in media today. Wish you all success in spreading similar awareness and making the society better.

  3. A valuable lesson we were taught in school was to respect our elders, one we must always remember all our lives. In the real-life experiments in What’s Your Choice it is so nice to see that people care. So, if we see an elderly person being abused, we should intervene, and I think most of us will.

  4. Your TV road shots are innovative & constructive idea in public awareness & in boost of Bharatiya Sanskriti; love to watch such street-shows that instantly involves you & your conscience as an onlooker or as a victim — is the success of the show. but on the other hand, suppose the rare few who spontaneously come forward & raise their voice,start doubting whether its real or mock show by some hidden TV
    cameras & step back from taking action, then what! As a result, if rares become the rarests few, can solve the purpose in the society & the overall mission of the channels at all! I only wonder!

  5. we must pay respect to elders by showing priority in every sector of life.
    we must visit eleders homes regularly
    we must comfort eleders that they were once so powerful as we are today