Breathless in Greater Noida West: Thick Dust And Smog All Over

If life in Delhi has become tough thanks to the odd-even traffic rules, you can at least say you are doing your bit for the environment. But for the residents of Greater Noida West – even that is not an option as the region battles with rising dust pollution.

Dust Pollution Threatens Greater Noida West

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Residents living here claim that dust and debris from various under-construction projects are fouling up the air. In fact, several complaints have been received from people complaining about breathing difficulties and other health problems caused by the polluted air.

NDTV visited Greater Noida West to take stock of the situation and we witnessed scenes that seemed straight out of a desert. Thick dust and smog covered the main hubs of the city, reducing visibly to a great extent. If this is what situation is on the ground, imagine the effect it will have on your lungs and body.

Will Authorities Act To Save Greater Noida West?

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In December last year, the Central Government had come out with the ‘Directions for Pollution Control and Improving Ambient Air Quality in Delhi and NCR’. These rules sought to reduce pollution from construction through the careful handling and storage of material. But in Greater Noida West, construction material still lies out in the open.

“The Noida and Greater Noida Authority has recently fined 11 developers in the region and flouting norms twice will lead to heavy penalties” declared Deepak Agarwal, CEO of the Greater Noida Authority. While that is admirable, the big question here is will this be enough to make developers toe the line?

It is high time that both developers and authorities get together and take concrete steps to solve this problem. Greater Noida West is a residential hotspot with thousands of home buyers lining up to move here. But if air quality in the region worsens, they may be forced to look elsewhere.

Reporter : Chankya Bhatia, NDTV
Web Editor : Nikhil Narayan Sivadas, NDTV