7 Tips To Staying Firm On The Weight Loss Track

- Follow the ‘Challenge Creates Change’ motto
- It is essential to keep measuring your success or failure rate
- Worrying too much about your waistline can cause stress and depression
It is no secret that trying to lose weight can get challenging and difficult to sustain in the long term. The road to weight loss is tough, with strenuous workouts and brutal diets to cut out calories, and it can often get tempting to just quit. Nutrition and fitness expert Ekta Vermani Tandon says the key for a long term weight loss plan is a strong mind along with the “mental stamina of a world class champion”
The fitness expert lists out 7 ways to stay on top of your weight loss game plan:
1) Set small goals
It may be a long way before you reach your end goal and hence it becomes vital to set up short-term targets. These small goals will help you stay focused on your weight loss journey. Some quick and brief goals include: (pictorial representation)
2) Balanced and Flexible Weight Loss Rules
To get instant results, one often tends to set objectives which may actually turn out to obstacles on your fitness journey. It is likely that you may go overboard with physical workouts and eating habits which lead to health complications. Setting harsh goals may compel you to quit in between. Hence taking the middle path of moderation may save your time and energy.
3) Broadcasting Goals and Achievements
A little motivation and support from your loved can work as a great incentive on your fitness journey. One way of being accountable and dedicated to your regime is to make your goals and accomplishments public. A steady progress is inevitable through some inspiration.
4) Embark on New Challenges
Follow the ‘Challenge Creates Change’ motto. It is important to engage yourself in different experiments to bring about variation in your weight loss regime. A steady routine may eventually bore you leading you to quit.
5) Track your Progress
It is essential to keep measuring your success or failure rate. Keep track of the amount of water and vegetables you consume each day. Record the amount of time you dedicate to working out every week. Keeping a score will help you scale your progress on your weight loss journey and will help you stay motivated
6) Avoid working in isolation
Encourage people from your family, office, school etc. to join you on your fitness expedition. Like you, many people may face similar challenges. You may learn new techniques and get inspired when you work out in a large team
7) Treat it like a Fun-Filled Game
Worrying too much about your waistline can cause stress and depression and even lead to comfort-eating. The entire process should be joyous giving you satisfaction at the end of the day. Appreciate all the effort you put in and track your progress along the way!
Watch: Weight Loss Tips by Ekta Vermani Tandon
Follow these simple guidelines and embark upon your weight loss journey!
My wife and I would love to start a weight loss program, but I feel like I have a hard time sticking with things. I thought your suggestion to track my progress by keeping track of what I eat and how much I workout could be helpful. It would definitely do a lot to help me feel like I’m progressing towards my goals.
These are really balanced weight loss rule I must say. Some times I become so impatient to see my weight loss and what result I see that there is no any change. But I really like your weight loss well structured program. Setting small goals will really help for me. If you can share some balanced diet tips That will really help for me. I really appreciate you for your knowledge for this. Thanks a lot for sharing this useful piece of information.