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Join NDTV’s Stop Abuse of the Elderly Campaign

One area in which India is said to be ahead of other countries – especially ahead of developed western nations – is the way we respect and look after our parents and the elderly. It’s something we in India are proud of. And rightfully so. There is one worry though – many people now say that we in India used to respect and look after our elders – apparently that may be changing now.

With the fast–paced and self-absorbed lifestyle and careers of the young Indian – this Indian characteristic of caring and respect for the elderly is said to be fading. Is this true? Does India care and respect its elders less than before? Are we becoming like the west with their nuclear families and their elderly confined to old-people’s homes. What do you think? Tweet your views using #StopAbuseoftheElderly.

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In case you have witnessed a senior citizen being harassed or experience abuse as an elderly, share your story below.

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State of Elderly in India

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  1. It is good to see this initiative and it will make a positive influence. In my opinion an awareness program from schools can also be considered.

  2. Hats off to you guys!! Great job.. And kudos to your entire team. This show is a moment of reality check and introspection in today’s fast paced life in our metros.. Feel for your actors though who have to face the wrath of anger from people.. But I’m sure they would be happy in the larger interest of humanity.

  3. The videos you have been airing on abuse of elderly depict only the good samaritans. For every good samaritan, there are ninety nine others who are not bothered about what happens to the senior citizen. I have experienced the disapproving looks of others in India, when I took my father on his wheelchair to public spaces. It has not happened to me anywhere in the west, the Americas and Europe, where, people volunteered to help me out with my father, in dicey situations, besides not being the least bothered about, why I was wheeling a senior citizen around. Why, in India, many public places are still inaccessible to the elderly and the disabled!

  4. Really good show. Was happy to see the younger generation raising their voice against elderly people being abused. It would be great if the next experiment would involve someone in power like a police abusing a person in public and see how people react to that.

  5. This is another very important and much required initiative run by NDTV. I wholeheartedly support it. Traditionally we have respected the elders and cared for them as a society. However in the last 10-15 years, it has taken a hit with the proliferation of nuclear families(even in the same cities). Today’s generation is techsavy, aspiring to achieve the new things. Individuality and personal space/freedom are utmost important to them. Although these need to be accepted as generational changes, that does not absolve anyone from taking care of the elderly people at home. The vast difference in the lifestyles of 3 generations living together can be seen in the food, clothing, the way free time is spent, hobbies etc etc. Extra effort has to be made to connect with each other. There is need to sensitivise the young generation. They need to be brought up with the thinking that caring and planning for elderly care is going to be their responsibility(in terms of time,money,caregiving during illness). On the other hand the elderly people at home need to understand the problems of new generation and try to help them and cooperate with them without being demanding. And finally you get what you give.