What’s Your Choice: Special Edition
Through this final episode of What’s Your Choice for this season we thank you very, very much for all your wonderful support, your encouraging comments and your determination to fight with us against social evils by intervening. This show has made it clear, when anyone asks an ordinary Indian – What’s Your Choice – you’ve answered categorically – step in and do something, act – do not turn away and say this is none of my business.
I had shared a few pictures a few months back, though it never got viral but here’s my bit for the cause of #NoVIP
A few days after sharing this pictures, taking pictures was banned inside the Temple premises by the inputs from Intelligence bureau (as they said and as it was published).
Looks like Suraj Sharma (Pi Patel) inadvertently walked into your show on VIP culture (Dilli Hat). A desi Hollywood celebrity (and definitely a VIP) speaking out against the pervasive VIP culture in India. Now that’s pretty cool.
I watched your today’s episode kya hai aapki choice i truly appreciate that VIP is just kind of reservation and we all are completely against it.. but one more thing is…why you press reporters are having ‘PRESS’ sticker pasted on your car…isn’t this make you VIP. so think on it and air this topic again on your channel specially for press and army stickers…
i will look forward to hear from you
Very good initiative but i think sting should be conducted more in small towns and and cities as people are less aware than the metro cities.
Touched with the video “Whats your choice”. Had not seen anything like this in near past, or I think that i have not seen anyting like this. Just salute the team for doing this noble cause. HATS OFF NDTV