What’s Your Choice: Special Edition
Through this final episode of What’s Your Choice for this season we thank you very, very much for all your wonderful support, your encouraging comments and your determination to fight with us against social evils by intervening. This show has made it clear, when anyone asks an ordinary Indian – What’s Your Choice – you’ve answered categorically – step in and do something, act – do not turn away and say this is none of my business.
When we psychiatric patient I could not help then because of the criticism of colleges as I not help them fully.no proper response from a Ngo.the formalities can be simplified
Your social experiment is excellent and it has shown hope . Thanks for such an eye opener show
jamui, Bihar
Thank a billion from heart & soul for such a initiative against Domestic Violence, which otherwise is never felt..
My sincere request also to focus on Misuse of IPC 498A, 406, DV cases against innocents. Eventual delays in fair Justice is also a kind of Violence against Men.
I request people (Men & Women) with all respect to help those Men & their family member facing False cases to get fair Justice.
Justice delayed is justice denied.. a feeling felt by those who have to suffer the pain for no fault of them..
Law must be unbiased impartial when it comes to punishing someone for filing False & Fabricated Cases es-specially when they are serious allegations as IPC 498A, 406, DV.
This initiative of NDTV will surely help India fighting against Misuse of Law & Order.
Best regards
Please don’t show that only women are under abuse. Today’s world the biased law is easily applied by any women and more often women in married relationship on husband & his family members very easily. With a complain in the police station a wife for her selfish interest Or to move out of a relationship are more often claiming false cases against their husbands.
We have misuse of 498A for many years and only after many tortures & suicides by men & respective families today Supreme Court acknowledges misuse of law. The biased law is easily providing leverage to women to harsh men & their family.
Please note crime, selfishness, mental state of a person, behavioral acts, abusiveness, addition is not governed by a type of gender. Just because of few men committing crime all men are not criminals and the same applies to women.
Hope you understand that many episodes in Sony crime petrol & Life ok (Savdhan India) are showing women are also abusive. Today many husbands are under abuse by wife which is in the form of physical,
mental, verbal and still women is easily able to file a false complain and put husbands & family easily behind bars.
The worst is out of unsuccessful relationship a woman is easily able to drag children away from a good father and also claim maintenance money. A father has to go through many court procedures which take years to even get visitation access to his own child. The law & functionality of it is that nobody is even bothered to look into the fact if man has been a good human being (no addition, no elicit relationship), a good husband & a good father – No such platform is present.
I fully appreciate your cause but, please show both the sides of coin.
We required gender equality laws a platform which has proper assessment of a case before taking any step of putting one behind bar, or filing a case.
In fact the punishments for people who claim false cases should also be punished identically to people who are convicted as criminals for the same claimed case. Then you will find that 85% to 90% of cases in courts will be vanished.
Please once again look into both the sides of coin. Abuse is not gender based.
I am not against women or for that matter any gender. But I have reservation against biased laws, system & actions coming from the authority without the authenticity of the real time situation.
Can you please do this in one of Bihar’s city as well ? Would really like to see reaction …A humble request from some one in Bihar ..