Road To Safety Contest: ‘Spot A Traffic Issue, Tell Us About It’
Did you know 10 percent of road accidents in India happen in major cities? The main cause of it is not just drink-driving but also the poor condition in which our roads and highways are in many places. We asked everyone to spot what is causing traffic nuisance in their locality and send us the photo or video with a description. Here are the lucky winners of the contest who will receive campaign merchandises.
1. Name: Ashish Bhasin
From: Berhampur, Odisha
Entry: An overloaded jeep with passengers sitting on top of jeep, in the foothills mountain province of Gajapathi, Odisha. Overloaded jeeps pose risks on Gajapathi roads. Playing of jeeps overloaded with passengers has been posing life risks on the roads of Mohana areas in Gajapathi districts with many of fatal accidents occurring due to them. Even though, overloaded jeeps are plying frequently on the NH, concerned authorities and police are yet to implement traffic regulations in the district. They said passengers are forced to travel on the roof and sometimes by hanging at the back of the vehicles as no other means of travel are adequately is available on the route.
We can change the behaviour of the drivers and attempt to spread the message of #NeverDrinkAndDrive, but how often do we speak up about the black spots in our locality or voice about the potholes that line the nearby roads. That, too, is our responsibility! So, let’s spot the blind spots, sharp turns and the rough roads in our city and throw the needful spotlight on them. Together, we can attempt to make a change as our road safety is in our hands.
2. Name: Neil Jude
From: Ernakulam, Kerala
Entry: Illegal & hazardous Advertisement boards on Traffic Signal Posts in MG road Ernakulam, almost all the Traffic Signal Posts carry huge back-lit advertisement boards. It is hard for motorists to correctly recognize the signal light. RTI reply reveals that these boards are illegal. PWD, Kochi Municipal Corporation, MVD Have not given permission for these boards to be erected. This also against IRC specification and PWD Road Safety Wing circular.
3. Name: George Jones
From: Chinchwad, Pune, Maharashtra
Entry: The bridge at Dapodi has become a bottleneck. Every day especially during peak hours there is a tremendous traffic jam. I sometimes wonder if the bridge can withstand a load of so much traffic at a time.
4. Name: Aakash Koshta
From: Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh
Entry: Star buses in Bhopal are the main reason for traffic, pollution, and accidents. They are the key to reach many locations of Bhopal but it takes too much time to travel to the destination. The reason is untrained drivers & conducters – They stop buses anywhere. The sollution for this problem is that every driver and conductor should be trainned properly.
5. Name: Prabhu Damodharan
From: Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu
Entry: Signal Violation – As you can see there is a signal for one direction, but two other vehicles ( Maruti Car and Biker) are passing the junction violating the signal hoping that the vehicles will wait. Individuals must realise we must set examples and avoid such violations so that we can regulate traffic and avoid accidents.
6. Name: Saksham Goel
From: Dehradun, Uttrakhand
Entry: The main issue of traffic in our home city Dehradun and most cities of the country is there are no traffic lights, and if there would be traffic lights then they would be not in working condition.Proper maintenance of traffic lights is crucial for the travelling passengers in a car. There is proper channelization of traffic according to the specified time. But if there would be traffic lights which are not working, there will be some people who will do rash driving due to which they don’t obey traffic policemen and met with an accident. The government has given authority for maintenance but the funds are not utilized properly. There should be surveillance team dedicated for maintenance of traffic lights and if there is any negligence then they should make them correct.
It is not the infrastructure always at fault. People should throw away the “chalta hai” attitude. Every morning I see many parents dropping their kids to school, taking wrong side of the road to save time and fuel while the entire road is free of traffic. Question is “Why”? One day I stopped a van carrying school children that was coming opposite to me in the same lane wrong side. And that was my biggest mistake. I was trying to educate the driver not to do so and not to put children at risk, but I had to face threat to my life by his anger.
Save yourself! No way that anyone can talk sense into the people who are in such kind of jobs that require no regulation at all. Anyone who is above 18 years of age is given a license – literally – to kill!
The rules are made by uneducated for the even more uncultured – so keep yourself safe and avoid getting hit – by such drivers as we have around us!
It’s the educated lot that always tend to break the rules and complain. We have an good traffic system in place but how many follow it? All these rules are followed only when one is at a driving test in order to get a license, once that’s done no one cares and worst part is unwanted honking and create road rage
Good that you still believe there are rules for honest drivers attempting to get licenses, but most of the boors who put the fear of god into even the staunchest atheists on the streets of our cities and towns are not necessary bothered with such small things that can easily be bypassed with a little bit of “grease”. I am sure most of the drivers with “T” permits do not even qualify to push carts in railway stations or airports without causing accidents or damage to life and limb. There is no way things affect them, most will not even bother to carry a license when behind the wheel – and if caught for some traffic offence they already know how much gets them let off!
All should wear helmet ND see the board there in road