Be Responsible And Drive Safe: Party Like Chris Gayle This Festive Season
Chris Gayle is a champion and he loves to party, or so we have heard on the grapevine. Turns out it’s true! Chris Gayle was recently in Mumbai as part of the NDTV USL Diageo Road to Safety campaign championing a cause that he feels strongly about. With Chris Gayle even advice is delivered with panache much to the delight of the crowd at Mumbai’s Hard Rock Cafe who got to experience the Gayle gregariousness in person.
Yes I’m branded as a party animal but I take responsibility as well. Most of the time you see me partying, I’m not driving. Always have a designated driver and it’s very important to know your limits.
Chris Gayle truly believes in putting his advice into gear as he turned designated driver himself at the end of the night for a few lucky revellers, who took part in a very vocal and fun pop quiz.
In Pics: Gayle Storm Against Drinking And Driving
In the last decade, over 1.3 million deaths have happened in India due to road accidents. According to a study by the Alcohol and Drug Information Centre (AIDC), about 40% of the road accidents in India occur under the influence of alcohol.
Also Read: Over 1.3 Million Road Accident Deaths In A Decade: India’s Killer Roads
As Chris exited the Hard Rock Cafe with his new friends in tow he just had this to say, I’m a sports man . People look up to me . We can dance and have fun but I take responsibility.
Yes when it comes to the junction between fun and responsibility Chris Gayle is a good man to have in the drivers seat.
Pledge Now: Take the Pledge to #NeverDrinkAndDrive
Watch: Party Like Chris Gayle This Festive Season