To highlight the overwhelming crisis that Indian farmers are facing today, NDTV & Piramal Foundation held a press conference in Mumbai, where Akshay Kumar, who feels strongly about the issue lent his support to the campaign.
Akshay Kumar, who has been supporting drought-struck farmers, extended his support to the Cultivating Hope campaign, which aims at highlighting issues related to farmers and finding ways to address the severe problem. While speaking at the launch event, the actor said that it will be tragic if the next generation doesn’t take up farming. The farmer crisis is the most important issue and we need to address it on high priority, he added.
While speaking at the launch event of the Cultivating hope campaign, Ajay Piramal, Chairman, Piramal Group said that it is the need of the hour that we focus our energy on how to find solutions for our farmers.
Akshay Kumar with Vinoda, Swamy and Naveen – victims of the agrarian crisis. Cultivating Hope to bring their smiles back.
Akshay Kumar, Ravish Kumar, Ajay Piramal and Harinder Sikka with the families who have been victims of the agrarian crisis.
Harinder Sikka, Group Director, Corporate Affairs, Piramal Enterprises is very closely connected for the cause. While speaking at the launch event, he said that the government and other corporates should come together for the betterment of farmers.
Yes, it is a serious issue.I feel governance needs to be redefined. With present system rich is getting richer and the poor with little or no resources are left to themselves to manage their affairs.Govt.funding is from public and as such poor public should be the first beneficiary.At least BPL senior citizens should get at least monthly pension of Rs. 5000/ directly in their accounts based on Adhar Card.
Amazed to see the maturity level of Akshay kumar which is so much missing in other bollywood stars. Hes taken up a extremely serious, lingering and neglected issue. Take a bow Akshay.
People like Akshay Kumar are the people who need to be adjudged Mr India, Mr World or Mr Universe – these are the people who gave their God-given talents back to the society uplift without expecting anything in return. These people are TRUE CELEBRITIES. All of us need to strengthen hands of such people.
Nice one
first of all you are doing good job. I agree with you and we need to do some good steps. We have few problems which should be our concern to solve this crisis. I am scientist in Germany but sometime i think I should left Germany and try to help poor farmers with ideas and facilities. In India, we have so many research institute and scientist but i dont see any passiona about improving and delivering to farmer every corner. Even My father who is Engineer, after leaving job going to start farming and providng better seeds to people with use of less fertilizers.
In my view, our focus should be more as follows:
First of all everybodyshould think for future not only for themselves.
1. Water facilities.most important and can be solved with little effort.Please make canals and join the rivers by canal (which is very less common), so we will not be dependent of rain.
2. Seeds and Fertiliers/natural fertilizers shops should be open by govt (private people sell at higher rate)
3. Focus on natural stuff more.. dont make people to only grow wheat and rice which disturbs the growing pattern.
I think we can start together and can solve these problems easily. We know india is so big and have so many resources, no body can die without food but people are dying.
I want to help the farmers as monthly income and also sponsor child studies. Any suggestions…Thanks
जय जवान जय किसान ,
किसान भाइयों, हमारी तरक्की का रास्ता केवल हमारी जागरूकता और संगठित होकर अपने अधिकारो के लिये लडने से होकर गुजरता है . इस रास्ते पर सत्ता के दलाल कुंडली मारे बैठे हैं और सालों से किसान का शोषण कर रहे हैं . हमारे पास संख्याबल और शक्ति है बस सही ज्ञान और जागरूकता की जरूरत है .
इक्कीसवीं शताब्दी में ज्ञान ही सबसे बड़ी शक्ति है। इस शक्ति को निरन्तर बढाते रहने से ही विकास के रास्ते खुलते है। आज विज्ञान और तकनीकी ज्ञान के साथ स्वाध्याय की भी महत्ती जरूरत है। यदि बचपन से ही पढने के संस्कार मिले तो जीवन भर इसकी छाप बनी रहती है। ेकेरल का उदाहरण हमारे सामने है वहाँ शत प्रतिशत साक्षरता ने जन जागरण का कार्य किया है और वहाँ मतदाता बहुत परिपक्वता के साथ सोच समझ कर अपने नागरिक अधिकार का प्रयोग करता है, इसकी झलक चुनावों के दौरान देखने को मिलती है। राजस्थान में भी हर जिले में शिक्षा व जागरूकता की संस्कृति विकसित होनी चाहिये ताकि
यहाँ भी शिक्षा एवं जनचेतना को बढाया जा सके।
आज किसान के पास इन सत्ता के दलाल और पूंजिपतियो से लडने का और अपने अधिकार लेने का एक ही तरीका है और वो है एकजुट रहने का. अगर हम अब भी जागरूक न हुए तो ये नेता और पूंजिपति जोंक की तरह हमारा और हमारे बच्चों के खून की एक एक बूँद चूस लेंगे ….
ये हमारे खेत और खेती दोनो को समाप्त कर देंगे और हमे हमारी ज़मीन पूंजीपतियों को देने को मजबूर कर देंगे .ये सत्ता के दलाल भी इस दलाली के बदले मोटी कमाई करेंगे .
हम इन शैतानों को अपना लहू नही चूसने देंगे …हम जिन्दा कौम हैं ,मुर्दे नही, साबित करेंगे…
उठो , जागो और लडो…
मनुदेव सिनसिनी
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