Road Safety Week: Sudarsan Pattnaik Creates Sand Art With A Message To Make Roads Safer

Sudarsan Pattnaik lends his support to the government’s #RoadSafetyWeek by creating a sand art at Puri. His appeal to everyone, ‘Come forward and help create awareness about road safety and make country’s roads safe’

Written By: Anisha Bhatia | Edited By: Sonia Bhaskar | April 23, 2018 8:05 PM | Road Safety Week

New Delhi: With an appeal ‘Safe Drive, Save Life’, internationally acclaimed sand artist and Padma Awardee, Sudarsan Pattnaik created a sand sculpture on the Puri beach in Odisha to commemorate the government’s 29th Road Safety Week in India. Sharing glimpses of his artwork with netizens, the artist said, “On #RoadSafetyWeek, let’s pledge to make our roads safer. One of my sand art with the message “Safe Drive Save Life .”

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Also Read: With Sadak Suraksha – Jeevan Raksha As A Theme, Government Kick-Starts Road Safety Week

Sharing his message about road safety, Mr Pattnaik told NDTV,

Road safety in our country is the need of the hour, my appeal to everyone to come forward and create awareness and make India’s roads safe through different mediums. I am doing my bit towards the campaign by creating awareness in what I am best at, likewise, you can do the same.

This is not the first time, Sudarsan Pattnaik has created sand art on road safety theme, last year, the artist created sand art with a message ‘Save Our Life’ and on the occasion of Raksha Bandhan, his message was – #GiftAHelment, Let’s joins hands for our brothers safety.

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Giving details about his plans for the road safety week this time, Sudarsan Pattnaik signs off by saying,

Throughout the week, our aim is to showcase the sand art with different road safety messages. I have told my students also to make sand sculptures for through the week on a theme of road safety. Ultimately the aim is to create awareness on the topic so that people know making India’s roads safe is the collective responsibility.

The road safety week in India is being celebrated from April 23 to April 30 with a theme ‘Sadak Suraksha – Jeevan Raksha’ (Road Safety – Protection to Life). Across India, various awareness drives are being held today to officially kick-start the road safety week.