Contest is now closed

Thank you for the overwhelming response to our “It’s All About ME” Contest. The contest is now closed.

Our Energy Efficiency partner AEEE have selected Rahul Rai as the winner of the contest.

Winning Idea: Urban dwellings have typically dark roofs which absorb sunlight and thus raise the temperature of the room below. The idea is to paint the roof white, so that it absorbs less sunlight and reduces cooling requirements.

Bumper Prize: A brand new LED TV

Here is the list of our daily winners who have won tablets.

Name Winning Idea
O S Mukundan Clean air-conditioner filters monthly as it enables the unit to cool down quickly and consumes less energy
S Baskaran Use solar heaters, replace your pumps with energy efficient ones, switch off power at source
Bhaskararao Buddha Consider installing devices which turn appliances off at the power point, instead of leaving them on stand-by
Vikas Golchha It is scientifically proven that locally grown food gives you more nutrients, saves on fuel, packaging and refrigeration costs
Hitesh Bondre Drive your vehicle at a constant speed of 40 -50 km/hr. Frequent braking, changing speed consumes more energy
Sangram Tarai Air dry dishes instead of using your dishwasher’s drying cycle
Ashish Pathak Mobile phones should have an option of getting charged using solar energy
Sundari Phillips Bio-gas can be produced from kitchen waste
Aditya Vardhan Stop urbanisation by empowering, developing and making villages self-sufficient and self-sustainable, working village by village to study their respective potential in terms of energy and economic growth.
Ananya Prakash Leave home: Getting out of the house and spending more time outdoors can really help in reducing energy consumption
Komal Sain We generally tend to forget that energy saving is not meant just for home but EVERYWHERE! Switch off your monitor and CPUs before leaving office, it helps!
Dinamani Garud Geysers come with a pre-set temperature setting, but 40oC is comfortable for a bath. Instead of heating water to a higher temperature and then mixing with cold water, change your geyser setting once to conserve electricity every day.
Neelu Nagpal All street, colony, park lights should be solar. Government should consider extending expertise and rebate to those who want to install solar panels in their homes and offices
Salman Khan Allow enough space – at least six inches – for air circulation between your refrigerator and the wall to allow heat generated by compressor and motor to escape
Sharath Chandra P Painting your roof white is a simple, highly effective way of saving energy as by reflecting sunlight, this improves the heat-island effect by up to 80% compared to ordinary rooftops
G Parsaram Reddy India is a nation of farmers, who mostly use electric pump sets that consume millions of megawatts of power. Solar water pump sets can save energy as well as reduce pollution
Vineet Shastry If electricity meters display the current bill in Rupees along with the units consumed, it will bring energy consumption / conservation up for discussion on day to day basis
Deepak Nikose Corporate & Educational institutes to encourage its employees & students by giving them the carbon credit for using bicycle/public transport . Reward them with bonus or marks to honour them.
Siddhant Kumar Singh Clean or replace the A/C filter regularly to help your unit run more efficiently and trim cooling costs
Harsh Pratap Singh Villagers and the common man should be made aware about the need to conserve energy as it doesn’t matter how many ideas we have until a large part of our population lacks understanding about the looming crisis
Shashank Kadia During summers, hanging wet vetiver roots sheets (khastatti) in doorways and windows will keep your house cool and it can cut down your A.C. usage by more than half
Gunpreet Kaur Vernacular construction methods are very effective, as these uses local available construction materials and techniques which saves on energy, money and time
Shirish Jawale Battery chargers, such as those for laptops, cell phones and digital cameras, draw power whenever they are plugged in and are very inefficient. Pull the plug and save
Shikha Poddar You can install leak detecting tablets (dyes) for the bathroom toilet tank to know about silent leakage and avoid wasting water
Prasanta Kumar Mallik Replacing old large-sized ceiling fans with new energy efficient fans is something every household can benefit from
Gaurav Mishra Have your water heater and heating pipes wrapped to minimise energy lost in transit – an insulation jacket on your hot water cylinder will pay for itself in two to three months.
Prateek Bedi RWAs can conduct ‘Save Electricity and Water’ competitions; and use the RWA general funds to pay bills of the family with the least amount of bills each month. This will create awareness and encourage energy conservation
Shreya Jain A small piezoelectric material can be put in shoes; when we walk, it will produce current. Voltage will be generated which can be used to recharge small cells/ batteries. Everyone wears shoes and it is easy to implement!
Kriti Chaturvedi Proper waste segregation is essential in every kitchen. Segregate into bio-degradable and non-biodegradable; and reuse as much as possible. Wet waste, fruit and vegetable peels etc can be composted
Rajit Kaushal Make it a habit to use your washing machine, tumble dryer or dishwasher when you have one full load instead of two half loads
Arpit Khare Save energy and paper! Avoid printing mini statements from ATMs as there are many other electronic ways to check your bank balance
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