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How a Teacher is Transforming a Village With the Use of Technology

Written by Intel on November 4, 2015 | India Innovates Reduced school dropout rates and integrating differently-abled children in a mainstream school - Magdalene Premalatha is transforming her community with the use of technology. Early 2010. It was a regular day for 35-year old Magdalene Premalatha, a Social Science and English teacher at the Government Higher [...]

3D-Printed Prosthetics A Bionic Hand You Could Now Print at Home (Advertorial)

Written by iq.intel.in on September 28, 2015 | Global Innovation Team Open Bionics is creating low-cost, high-functioning prosthetics with open-source parts. The great promise of technology is that it has the power to change lives, sometimes dramatically. And in the case of the Team Open Bionics’ entry, their Open Hand wearable project does exactly that. [...]

Augmented Reality Applications Helping the Blind to See (Advertorial)

Written by iq.intel.in on September 28, 2015 | Global Innovation Augmented Reality focuses on designing meaningful experiences that leverage technology to extend our human capacity, including bringing sight to those who can’t see. Imagine your clothing being able to sense the world around you, or your computer responding to your voice and hand commands, or [...]

Frugal Innovation Brings Healthcare to Rural India (Advertorial)

Written by iq.intel.in on September 28, 2015 | Global Innovation A team of Intel researchers in India is finding ways to tackle social needs using affordable technologies. For India’s emerging urban middle class, heart palpitations usually mean a quick trip to a nearby hospital. But for the 70 percent of the 1.2 billion Indians living [...]